Customer brought in his Jeep (we've done some minor lighting work on it in the past) and wanted a panoramic view out the top of his Jeep year-round.
Looked like a challenge so I accepted...little did I know I was in for a bigger challenge than expected!
Some dude out of New York makes these plexi-panels for the top of your Jeep....they allow you to have a 'moon-roof' experience on your REMOVABLE Jeep Tops, year-round...which is cool.
Well...when I got the product package and thought immediately that I was missing parts....because all that came with it was 2 panels and some grommet/gasket material. No mounting hardware, no templates and no instructions. So after some digging, I found this 'builders' YouTube page and watching (comically) for a few minutes before I realized this is gonna be interesting! Basically this guy is selling tinted plexiglas panels for a pretty penny and expects owners to be able to cut their fiberglass tops and GLUE....yes GLUE them into place.....kinda ghetto if you ask me....but whatever....end product/goal is worth let's start hackin!!!
Immediately I knew I had a problem....these looked like they might not be big enough and I was right......the glass is supposed to cover the entire top and the 'humps' on the top...well these were a few inches short (that's what she said), after some thinking, I figured I could make it happen but might not be the prettiest. Basically, you CAN have a seamless look IF the panels cleared these humps...but I needed to counter-sink the glass into them because they would not be flush if I didn' I started cutting and thinking and kept cutting.
After some precise sanding and dremel work, I got these to fit the best possible and then threw some silicone (recommended from dude-bruh online) and hoped for the best.
In the end...the look/feel you get from the new view above is pretty cool...I can see how on a not-so-good-day, this will be a good mod to have on your Jeep.
Just make sure you do your research and make SURE positive that these will fit your Jeep...because Dude-Bruh in New York didn't research ALL makes/models of Jeeps and his product does not fit this one!
TL/DR......I Got Itchy and High on Fiberglass Fumes and put some holes in some removable Jeep Top Panels!