Out of all factory subs I've replaced...this one was the most promising.....it was a factory 8" woofer in a quite large box....so this Arc Audio woofer had to show some drastic improvements!
This was another 'more bass, no space' scenario.....so I pulled the entire factory panel out of the car and laid down 6 layers of fiberglass to make a mold....popped that badboy out and then cut a shape out for the baffle board.
Once that was set, I molded it in and reinforced the whole thing and blended it in smooth with some foam filler to get the shape I wanted.
Customer didn't ask for anything special....but there was a large space that would have just been flat..so I cut out a Lexus emblem and then wrapped the box with black carpet to match the black lower door panels in the vehicle.
I didn't get any pics of the amp...but it's installed directly underneath the woofer box where the old box left a void.....it's easily accessible if you remove the tire cover so you could adjust settings and check fuses as necessary.
Overall, this provide just the right amount of bass off the factory headunit with plenty to spare if needed.....nice tight response...and didn't take up any space in the trunk that was being used already.